Partners present at Alzheimer Europe’s virtual #30AEC

From 20 to 22 October 2020, Alzheimer Europe hosted its 30th conference online (due to COVID-19 restrictions).

David Krivec (Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenija) and Gustavo Hernández-Peñaloza (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) presented a paper on TeNDER’s approach to system co-creation with patients, carers, and professionals.

The development of this approach and the subsequent conference paper are the product of months’ work and collaboration between several partners, including: Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenija, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Schön Klinik – Bad Aibling, the Servicio Madrileño de Salud, Asociación Párkinson Madrid, Università di Roma – Tor Vergata, and the Centre for Research and Technology – HELLAS.

What entails co-creation?

The very concept of system co-creation already hints at its main goal, which in TeNDER is to include all participants (patients, families, caregivers, and professionals) in all stages of the development of an innovative ICT-supported integrated care solution.

By engaging in this process, TeNDER helps ensure that our tools to detect emotions and mood changes are fit-for-purpose and will genuinely contribute to an ecosystem that supports users’ quality of life. The tools that will be deployed in each pilot setting will be adapted to the needs of each participant.

Participant involvement at different stages in the project will also help us build trust and empower users. TeNDER’s approach to integrated care is, after all and above all, person-centred.

Preliminary pilots are set to launch soon with a cohort of people affected by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, as well as people with Parkinson’s disease, and Cardiovascular disease. To receive progress updates and other information please subscribe to our newsletter (scroll to bottom of page and enter e-mail) and/or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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